HR Resources

Below are some helpful HR resources. Do you have a resource that you think should be added to the list? Drop us a line

Community Contributed Documents

Affiliate Subscriber CalPACS is hosting a service for HR community members to share surveys and documents of general interest to the human resource community. You don't have to be a Regular CalPACS member. Apply to be an Affiliate Subscriber here: Affiliate Member Applicaion.

Minimum Wage 2017-2023 Schedule

CA Dept of Industrial Relations Although there are some exceptions, almost all employees in California must be paid the minimum wage as required by state law. Effective January 1, 2017, the minimum wage for all industries will be increased yearly. From January 1, 2017, to January 1, 2022, the minimum wage will increase for ...

Consumer Price Index-Urban Consumers LA Area (CPI-U)

Bureau of Labor Statistics Index is updated monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Used as cost of living index to update labor contracts.

Public Agency Actuarial Valuation Reports

CalPERS CalPERS retirement benefits are funded through contributions paid by contracting employers, members, and earnings from CalPERS investments. Employer contribution requirements are determined by periodic actuarial valuations under state law. Actuarial valuations are based on the benefit formulas the agency provides and the employee groups covered.